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Now Open
Chakra Inner Peace Energy Healing
At The Spine Physicians Institute North Dallas

3450 Forest Lane
Dallas, TX 75234


Hours of Operation

Thursday: 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM

lady outside holding tree

About Your Practitioner

Dr. Judy Vergara

I have been in the educational field for over 20 years and hold a doctorate degree in education. I love to teach and share knowledge with others.

I hold certifications as a Reiki Master/Teacher, a Ganapati Level 4 Siwa Murti Healer, a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner (Humans and Animals), a Crystal Reiki Master/Teacher, and an Animal Reiki Practitioner.

Why Do I Do This?

The chakras are referred to as the “wheels of life” and serve as our focused energetic life forces. From the crown of your head to the base of your spine, you have an electrical potential of around 400 volts. Chakras are energy and need to be kept in balance for optimal health.

People have asked me why I got into the practice of energy healing. Let me tell you my story. My first exposure to the body’s energy was during a Tai Chi class. The instructor was an elderly Chinese gentleman. After class was over, he asked everyone to form a circle and stand side-by-side. He rapidly rubbed his hands together and created a warm ball of energy within his hands and then passed this ball to the student standing next to him. Each student received the energy and passed it along to the next person. This was an amazing electrifying experience. The reality and awareness of energy has remained with me ever since.

Many years later, I became very ill. I had always been healthy with no blood pressure problems or any other noticeable ailments. One day, out of the blue, my blood pressure spiked dangerously high and I was hospitalized.

To make a long story short, after almost a year of not being able to do my day-to-day activities, taking high blood pressure medication, visits, and tests with cardiologists, endocrinologists, and rheumatologists, there were no answers. All test results were good. According to the doctors, there was nothing wrong.

Then, my life changed. I visited an energy healer and found that every one of my chakras was totally blocked. After one treatment, all the negative energy was removed and all my chakras were spinning as normal. I walked out from that treatment knowing that everything was going to be fine. I felt whole for the first time in such a long time. From that day forward, I knew I wanted to bring that same healing energy to others. I no longer take high blood pressure medication or spend time in doctor’s office visits. I have my energy back and am enjoying life again. It is amazing to realize the positive effects that energy has on our bodies. I am so excited to share this healing experience with you!

Customer Reviews

Energy Healing, Balancing Body, Mind, and Spirit