
In-person or remote healing is available by:

Siwa Murti Balinese Healing Session $100 – 1hr.

The Balinese healing modality will be used in this session.

During this full-body healing session, the client will lie on the table, fully dressed, and the practitioner will push energy into the client and remove negative energies. After the removal of negative energies, there is a positive energy flow within the body. With Siwa Murti, some clients experience the effects of immediate healing; other clients return for additional healing in order to fully eliminate a specific condition.

Siwa Murti Balinese Healing Session + Chakra Reading & Balancing $125 – 1hr.

The Balinese healing modality will be used in this session. A complete Chakra Reading is included before and after the Siwa Murti session.

During this full-body healing session, the client will lie on the table, fully dressed, and the practitioner will push energy into the client and remove negative energies. After the removal of negative energies, there is a positive energy flow within the body. With Siwa Murti, some clients experience the effects of immediate healing; other clients return for additional healing in order to fully eliminate a specific condition.

Healing Reiki Session $100 – 1 hr.

This is a gentle, yet powerful, Japanese healing modality.

During this full-body healing session, the client will lie on the table, fully dressed, and the practitioner will make the Universal Energy available for the client’s body to take in as much as needed. The client’s body heals itself with the Reiki energy.

Healing Reiki Session + Chakra Reading & Balancing $125 – 1 hr.

This is a gentle, yet powerful, Japanese healing modality. A complete Chakra Reading is included before and after the Healing Reiki Session.

During this full-body healing session, the client will lie on the table, fully dressed, and the practitioner will make the Universal Energy available for the client’s body to take in as much as needed. The client’s body heals itself with the Reiki energy.

The Emotion Code -In person or Zoom /& for Animals – $75 1 hr.

Services are provided by a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner.

The Emotion Code is a healing modality that was developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson that aims to help people identify negative emotions from past experiences that are now trapped in the body. These negative emotions can disrupt the natural flow of energy in the body and potentially lead to physical discomfort, pain, or emotional issues.

Negative trapped emotions are released which allows clients to achieve emotional and energetic balance, leading to a more fulfilling and harmonious life.


Zoom sessions are offered after hours.
Please call or text to schedule a Zoom session. 972-863-1588.

The Emotion Code works exactly the same with animals as it works with humans. Sessions can be completed without the animal or owner being present during the session. An initial consultation with the owner is required prior to the session. Most often, owners request The Emotion Code to correct negative behaviors. After the completion of the animal’s session, a detailed evaluation will be provided to the owner. Please call or text to schedule an Emotion Code session for your pets. 972-863-1588.

Client Intake – No Charge – 15 min.

During this initial consultation, a confidential, personal review will be conducted that identifies the client’s current concerns and desires resulting from the sessions will be discussed. The consultation will help me help you!

Complete Chakra Reading & Evaluation $40 – 45 min.

During this service, a reading of the client’s main chakras will be performed and the wellness of each chakra will be determined. The client will be provided with the results of the reading and the functions of each chakra will be discussed for the betterment of the client’s overall health.

Animal Reiki $45 – 30 min.

Most often, healing for your pet is conducted virtually via photographs. All of the animal’s Chakras are evaluated and then, the practitioner will make the Universal Energy available for the pet’s body to take in as much energy as needed. The pet’s body heals itself with the Reiki energy.

Animals are very perceptive to the energy emitting from the practitioner’s hands. If the healing is in person, the animal will move their body to position the unwell body part directly under the energy.

Virtual Healing Session $75 – 45 min.

The client will choose the method of virtual healing. Available options are Zoom, FaceTime, or by using a photograph. Healings by this method are just as powerful as if in person.

IONIC Cleanse Detox $50 Single / A session for two – $90 – 40 min.

The Ionic Detox system uses steel electrodes that cleans, balances, and enhances the body’s bio-energy – a vital force that is present in the body’s fluids.  The system does not claim to cure or treat any disease or injury but, by using the system, it assists your body to rebalance its bio-energy field and stimulates its own detoxification resulting in better function of your body’s organs without fewer toxins in your body. 

Why is detoxification necessary?

In today’s environment, we expose our bodies daily to pesticides, herbicides, additives, coloring, preservatives in food, chemical and heavy metal residues, or in some beauty products. The accumulation of toxins can burden the body can compromise our health and create many negative symptoms. The more toxins that are stored in our body, the faster we age and the faster our bodies break down.

To begin this session, you will rest your feet in a comforting, warm water footbath. The entire detoxification session takes 30 minutes.  During the session, the water will change colors. The colors in the water indicate the material or area of the body that is being detoxified.

*Some individuals are not suited for detoxification: clients with battery operated implants/pacemakers, organ transplants, pregnant or nursing mothers, under the age of 8, or clients taking blood thinners, hemophiliacs, clients taking medication for high blood pressure (check with your doctor first), or epileptic clients.