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Align Your Chakras Serving Dallas, Kaufman & Rockwall Counties

The seven chakras serve as vital energy centers in the body and influence aspects of your body’s well-being. Each chakra corresponds to specific areas and themes, from safety and stability to love and expression. Chakra Inner Peace Energy Healing is committed to helping clients throughout Rockwall, TX balance and align their chakras. Clients can experience renewed vitality and harmony through energy-based therapies such as Reiki. This holistic approach encourages individuals to tap into their inner strength and can lead to meaningful transformation and lasting peace.

Couple doing yoga at park

What Are Chakras?

Chakras are wheels of energy centers in the body that significantly influence our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Originating from ancient Indian traditions, the concept of chakras has evolved and integrated into various cultures and texts since 1500 BC. There are seven main chakras found throughout our body. Each main chakra corresponds to different aspects of life and consciousness, serving as essential points for energy flow. Practices such as meditation, yoga, and energy healing focus on balancing these centers.

Discover the 7 Main Chakras

Each of the seven main chakras serves a unique purpose, contributing to our overall well-being. Understanding their locations, attributes, and associated colors can help clients identify areas needing attention and promote energy balance. Below is an overview of these essential energy centers:

muladhara icon

Root Chakra


Self illustrated chakra design

Found at the base of your spine, this chakra is linked with the color red. It represents stability and security, rooting us to the Earth. A balanced Root chakra fosters feelings of safety and foundation, while an imbalance may lead to fear and anxiety.

swadhistana icon

Sacral Chakra


Self illustrated chakra design

Positioned in your lower abdomen, below the navel, the Sacral chakra is represented by the color orange. It governs creativity, sexuality, and pleasure, playing a significant role in how we relate to others. Imbalances here could lead to challenges with intimacy and self-expression.

manipura icon

Solar Plexus Chakra


Self illustrated chakra design

This chakra resides in the upper abdomen and is represented by the color yellow. It embodies personal power and self-esteem, playing a role in your identity and confidence. Imbalances may manifest as low self-worth or difficulty asserting needs.

Anahata icon

Heart Chakra


Self illustrated chakra design

Found in the center of your chest, this chakra is associated with the color green. It symbolizes love, compassion, and emotional balance and influences our relationships with others and ourselves. An imbalanced Heart chakra may hinder the development of deep emotional connections.

Sahasrara icon

Throat Chakra


Self illustrated chakra design

This chakra, represented by the color blue, is found in the throat area. It governs communication, expression, and truth, enabling us to convey our thoughts and feelings. Difficulty expressing oneself may indicate blockages in this chakra.

Ajna icon

Third Eye Chakra


Self illustrated chakra design

This chakra is situated between your eyes and is linked with the color indigo. It relates to intuition, insight, and perception, enhancing clarity of thought and understanding. An imbalance can impair trust in one’s intuition.

vishuda icon

Crown Chakra


Self illustrated chakra design

Found at the top of your head, the Crown chakra represents violet or white. It embodies spirituality and enlightenment, connecting us to higher consciousness. A lack of balance may lead to feelings of spiritual emptiness or disconnection from the divine.

Energy Vitality Technique

Judy has successfully completed the requirements for the Certificate of Training in the Energy Vitality Technique and continues instruction toward Certification as a Soma Energetics Vibrational Sound Practitioner through the Natural Therapies Certification Board.

Solfeggio Frequencies

Solfeggio Frequencies

Each chakra spins at its own frequency and no two chakra frequencies are alike. With the Energy Vitality Technique, Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies are found in the Energy Tuners (forks) which correspond to each of the various chakras.

These original sound frequencies were first developed by Guido di’ Arezzo, a Benedictine monk, about c 1000 AD while teaching Gregorian Chants (sung prayers) using mnemonics. The mnemonics are called the sol-fa method and each corresponds to the different notes in the musical scale: doh (C), re (D), mi (E), fa (F), soh (G), la (A), ti (B), doh(C). One of the hymns taught to the monks using the sol-fa method was the hymn to St. John the Baptist.

Today, each mnemonic correlates to its own frequency:

  • Red – doh (Root – 396 Hz),
  • Orange – re (Sacrum – 417 Hz),
  • Yellow – mi ( Solar Plexus – 528 Hz),
  • Green – fa (Heart – 639 Hz),
  • Lt Blue – soh ( Throat – 741 Hz),
  • Dark Blue – la ( Brow – 852 (Hz),
  • Purple – ti (Crown – all forks together).
colored forks

Chakra readings are taken before and after the session. When we work with the frequencies associated with each tuning fork, we focus on each charka and move balancing energy up the spine to each charka; this keeps the life force energy (Chi) free flowing throughout the entire charka system.

The purpose of using the Solfeggio frequencies is not to be the healer. It is to assist the individual to connect with their body to heal itself and awaken the divine healer within the individual. These the tones that each tuning fork emits may aid in the creation of the client’s increased level of consciousness.

Achieve Balance and Harmony Today

Prioritizing your energy wellness can transform your life, improving your physical, emotional, and spiritual health. We offer a supportive sanctuary where you can explore the profound benefits of chakra balancing. Each session is tailored to your unique needs, fostering an environment where healing can unfold. Embrace this opportunity to reconnect with yourself. Book an appointment today to start your journey towards well-being. Your path to harmony and inner peace begins now.

Energy Healing, Balancing Body, Mind, and Spirit