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Energy Healing, Balancing Body, Mind, and Spirit

Energy Healing, Balancing Body, Mind, and Spirit

Serving Rockwall County North Dallas & Kaufman Counties

Energy Healing, Balancing Body, Mind, and Spirit

Energy Healing, Balancing Body, Mind, and Spirit

Our Mission Statement

The mission of Chakra Inner Peace Energy Healing, LLC is to promote holistic wellness and healing through energy-based therapies and practices. I believe in the power of energy medicine to support the body’s natural healing processes and help individuals achieve physical, emotional, and spiritual balance. My goal is to provide a safe and nurturing environment where individuals can explore and experience the benefits of energy healing and receive skilled personalized care that is unique to their individual needs.

Handsome Man Receiving New Age Therapy


Reiki is a gentle healing energy modality that was originally developed by Mikao Usui in Japan in the 1920s. He called it Usui Reiki Ryoho meaning the Usui Method for Spiritual Healing. In 1937, this modality was brought to Hawaii, and this began the Western world’s usage of Reiki. The Japanese word for Reiki translates to spiritual energy or universal life-force energy.

All living things, humans, animals, plants, flowers, and the sun, moon, and stars all incorporate a universal life-force energy. This energy can be called by various names: Love, God, Source, Creator, or Spirit– all things are infused with energy. Our bodies are energetic in nature and function under a magnetic pulse. This magnetic pulse is a biomagnetic field that uses frequencies. Our bones resonate at lower frequencies while our blood, thoughts, etc. vibrate at higher frequencies. When a practitioner conducts a Reiki healing treatment, their hands emanate a significantly higher biomagnetic reading (7-10 Hz) than non-practitioners hands.

The Interconnection Between All the Meridians

The practitioner is not healing the client. The practitioner is only functioning as a conduit of energy by using energy emitting from their hands, eyes, or breath. The recipient’s body is then able to absorb the healing energy. Reiki energy will go where it is needed. The practitioner works with the client’s 12 main meridians and chakras to ensure the smooth flow of energy throughout the body.

Delete and then remove any energy blocks. When energy blocks are not cleared, disease of nearby organs can occur.

There is an interconnection between all the meridians – the balance and harmony between the meridians are essential for good health as they carry energy to the organs and bodily systems. Reiki can heal and open blocked chakras. Following a Reiki healing session, the client’s observations have indicated, in some cases, the elimination of physical illnesses, a decrease or absence of pain, decreased healing time following surgery, promotes internal healing system, a reduction in stress or anxiety, peace, and greater relaxation.

Senior woman having neck pain

The Emotion Code

The Emotion Code is a healing modality that was developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson that aims to help people identify negative emotions from past experiences that are now trapped in the body. These negative emotions can disrupt the natural flow of energy in the body and potentially lead to physical discomfort, pain, or emotional issues. Negative trapped emotions are released which allows clients to achieve emotional and energetic balance, leading to a more fulfilling and harmonious life.

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A person sits in meditation with large mandala behind them, chakras visible.


Chakras are spinning wheels of life energies that travel upward through the nerve channels, e.g. meridians, in the body. These are connected to all our major organs and glands that control our body. The lower three chakras are considered to be masculine in nature and help ground us as they are concerned with the material world. The top three feminine chakras are associated with self-reflection and the spiritual aspects of life. The heart chakra is in the center and is balanced with both masculine and feminine energies. It serves to help balance all the other chakras.

Woman meditating in nature

Siwa Murti

As with Reiki healing, Siwa Murti connects to universal energies and laws. Siwa Murti is not gentle like Reiki – it is strong and deep healing. During a healing session, the practitioner pushes energy into the client and removes negative energies. With Siwa Murti, some clients experience the effects of immediate healing; other clients return for additional healing in order to fully eliminate a specific condition.

Siwa Murti is a Balinese healing modality that originated with the Master Teacher, Ratu Nabe, from Bali. Healing from physical and emotional ailments and conditions, for people or animals, can be experienced using Siwa Murti. When energy blocks are not cleared, disease of nearby organs can occur.

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Chakra Inner Peace Energy Healing

2109 Summer Lee Dr #103, Suite 309
Rockwall, TX 75032


Hours of Operation
Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Wednesday: 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Thursday: Closed
Friday: 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Saturday: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Sunday: Closed

North Dallas
3450 Forest Lane
Dallas, TX 75234

Hours of Operation
Thursday: 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Dallas, TX

3450 Forest Ln, Dallas, TX 75234, USA

Rockwall, TX

2109 Summer Lee Dr 103 suite 309, Rockwall, TX 75032, USA